Monday, November 8, 2010

Book Review: Bad Things Happen by Harry Dolan

Bad Things Happen is Harry Dolan's first published novel, I think, but it doesn't read like a first time novel. Dolan introduces us to David Loogan right in the beginning, but not in a way that give up much about him. In fact, Dolan makes you wonder if Loogan really is his name. As the novel gets rolling, you may think that the title was misleading. Bad things aren't happening. In fact, good things are happening. But like all good things, they soon must end, and so they do. The bad things that happen are murders. The narrative doesn't really point a finger in any particular direction, but there is ample misdirection, and there doesn't seem to be much progress in the investigations.
Dolan gives us some nice character development, showing us both strengths and weaknesses of his characters. They aren't overstated, but truly believable people, and the reader will come to like them as the pages turn. Dolan winds the story up with a twist that seemed to come out of nowhere, and polishes off his work with a nice little bit of magical realism to show us all that he not just another hard boiled murder mystery writer, but a writer with style.

I recommend this book. It won't give your life new meaning, but it is a nice little escape from the drudgery of reality.

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